Wednesday 7 May 2014

Terrorism in Nigeria! - Political or Religious?

Terrorism, a global phenomenon that has swept across a lot of countries with strong religious background and economic strongholds. it is a pain that has swept across lots of families but yet its not the complete story, there is always a second side to a coin and every story has two or more perspectives.

Terrorism has been mostly felt by western countries all in the name of their western views,religion or political hold(not really sure which) but it is certain that countries like the united states, the united kingdom and others have suffered from the hands of terrorists or should i say Islamic extremists.

A similar phenomenon has hit the airwaves of some African countries notably Nigeria(Africa's largest economy) and others like Kenya e.t.c. For the African giant Nigeria, the terrorist group Boko-haram has been a security threat and has claimed the lives of over three thousand(3000) Nigerians over the course of five(5) years. This group claims the Northern part of Nigeria should forsake the so-called western education or else they make Nigeria inhabitable for its citizens.

Some are of the belief that the menace of boko-haram is just a political struggle in disguise, the opposition of the ruling party in Nigeria wants to tint the governments image by threatening the security of its home-country. Others believe that it is the work of some religious extremist and hope to convert Nigeria to a purely
Islamic state. Nigeria is a country blessed with large Human and Natural resources and is a power house in the African region.

Most of these so-called extremists still have grievances on what they want, they believe that violence is the only way they can make their voices heard, be it for politics or religion. Although you have the right to be heard, must you take lives and property along with it?

Be it for politics or for religion, terrorism is still a disease that eats in the fabric of our social structure and it makes me wonder, if it would ever be curtained or eliminated?